The delicious flavors


Svansø is your assurance of delicious, high-quality products. Our products are always developed with great taste in mind, guaranteeing you a great taste experience every time.

At Svansø we celebrate great taste. Through carefully selected ingredients and a unique approach to product development, we create solutions that make it easy for you to achieve great taste in your everyday life. Our products are simple to use and help you achieve culinary success.

Whether you're looking for delicious accessories or dream of becoming a master chef in your own kitchen, we have the perfect solutions for you. Explore our range of delicious products from Svansø and find inspiration on how to create amazing dishes that will bring joy around the dinner table.



Svansø will make it easier for you to make good tasteful choices in everyday life.

Our own manufactured products are either produced or packaged in Denmark. For example, at our factory in Hadsten we handle plant-based products such as oatmeal, while at our factory in Nørre Åby on Funen we produce sauces, spices and other specialties.

See our products here

Good taste helps to eat more healthily

Taste and texture have a big impact on the eating experience and also on how healthy we eat. More vegetables can easily be eaten when taste and texture are taken into account, and this can be a big help in reaching the 600 grams of fruit and vegetables a day.

If you taste your food with the basic flavours of sour, sweet, salty, bitter and umami in mind, and you also have different types of texture present, then you've already come a long way!

Here you can find inspiration on how to start tasting your food, and here you can learn a little more about the importance of texture in the eating experience.

5 basic flavours - and one extra!

The basic flavours are the foundation of the tasting, and in addition to the 5 basic flavours you can also work with the flavour "strong", which can help to enhance the other flavours if dosed correctly.

Turn the wheel and get inspired to work with the basic flavours and complete the taste experience of your food!


Is it crunchy enough?

Consistency or texture is a crucial part of taste, and it has a big impact on how good an eating experience a meal is. In fact, it's beneficial to have a variety of textures present - for example, something soft, crunchy and creamy. It enhances the mouthfeel and is actually seen as a key element in the path to greener meals. Simply because variety in texture can make us want to eat even more greens. Try experimenting with having different textures present, and try giving your food a little boost by adding something crunchy to a creamy dish, for example - tomato soup with croutons is a good, classic example of this.

Get inspiration for how to think different textures into your favourite dishes below!



At Svansø , we are deeply passionate about everything we do. Our products are full of great taste and are based exclusively on pure, high-quality raw materials. We want healthy living to be a joy, and whether you're looking for flavourful accompaniments to your dishes or dreaming of becoming a master baker in your own kitchen, we've got the green solutions for you.

Svansø is good food in good company. That's why we've collected some great inspiration on how to create tasty dishes that create a good atmosphere around the dinner table. You can explore our wide range of delicious oils, dressings and soups, as well as specialities such as aioli and pesto. You can also be inspired by our tasty recipes and read more about the ingredients and history behind Svansø.

Welcome to our universe of good taste and green solutions!