Slider with grilled honey/lemon marinated chicken thighs

  • 4 persons
Rated 4 out of 5


  • 8 small burger buns
  • 4 whole chicken thighs
  • 100 g Danish flower honey
  • 1 lemon
  • Svansø Aioli with chili
  • 2 lettuces
  • 1 jar of pickled cucumbers
  • Salt


Start by firing up the grill. 

Debone the chicken thighs: 

    1. Place the thighs inside out on a cutting board
    2. Cut down the top of the leg all the way from top to toe
    3. Then carefully cut around the bone until they are free from the meat
    4. Unfold the thigh and make 3-4 cuts across without cutting through
    5. Sprinkle salt on

Honey-lemon marinade: 

    1. Put honey + lemon in a pot
    2. Simmer for about 10 minutes
    3. Remove from heat


    1. Rinse and drain


    1. Grill the thighs with high direct heat - first on the skin until it starts to turn golden
    2. Now turn the thighs over, brush with a little marinade and grill until the underside starts to color
    3. Move and turn your thighs from the direct heat to the side
    4. Brush the marinade on the back of the thighs and cover the grill
    5. Depending on the temperature of the grill, turn and brush the thighs regularly until they are golden and sticky from the caramelized marinade
    6. When the thighs are ready, grill the burger buns


    1. A generous amount of aioli on the top and bottom of the buns
    2. Cut the lettuce leaves into appropriate sizes and place them on the base
    3. Halve a thigh - place on top of the salad
    4. Now add a few slices of pickled cucumber and finish with the top of the bun


At Svansø , we are deeply passionate about everything we do. Our products are full of great taste and are based exclusively on pure, high-quality raw materials. We want healthy living to be a joy, and whether you're looking for flavourful accompaniments to your dishes or dreaming of becoming a master baker in your own kitchen, we've got the green solutions for you.

Svansø is good food in good company. That's why we've collected some great inspiration on how to create tasty dishes that create a good atmosphere around the dinner table. You can explore our wide range of delicious oils, dressings and soups, as well as specialities such as aioli and pesto. You can also be inspired by our tasty recipes and read more about the ingredients and history behind Svansø.

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